

Aircraft Type Pitot Test Adaptor Pitot Probe Part No. Static Test Adaptor Blanking Adaptor Miscellaneous Adaptor Pitot Pre-Test & Assembly Integrity Fixture Air Data Accessories Kit
AS350/355 Civil P35055-4 39500 21298-150-4
  PT13505  ADA350-5-612
Aircraft AS350 / 355 Civil
Air Data Accessories Kit ADA350-5-612
Category Airbus Helicopter
Lubricating Fluid LF5050
Pitot Pre-Test & Assembly Integrity Fixture PT13505
Pitot Test Adaptor P35055-4
Seal and Spacer Kit SSK055
Seal Kit SK055
Static Test Adaptor / Blanking Adaptor 21298-150-4

This kit contains all the equipment
required to test from source the complete pitot & static air data system on the AS350/355 helicopters, as well as the means of pre-testing all adaptors and hoses prior to
being fitted to the aircraft.
Pitot Test Adaptor
Part No. P35055-4 (2 req’d.)
These units fit the pitot probe and when installed will isolate each system separately or simultaneously.
Pre-Test Probe
Part No. PT13505 (1 req’d.)
This probe is for use when it is necessary to check the integrity of the pitot test adaptors. This unit is installed thus   simulating the pitot probe.
Static Test Adaptor
Part No. 21298-150-4 (2 req’d.)
These units fit the static vents located on the nose of the helicopter. The protective caps also act as pre-test adaptors.
Static Blanking Adaptor
Part No. 21298B-150 (2 req’d.)
These units are used in conjunction with  the above-mentioned static test adaptors and are used to blank off the matching static vent on the opposite side of the helicopter.

Pitot Test Hose Assembly
Part No. AS350-7270 (1 req’d.)
This hose is connected to the pitot inlet of the adaptor and is fitted with double acting quick disconnects for use when it  is desirable to test only one pitot system. The extension hose to the pneumatic generator is included on this assembly.
Static Test Hose Assembly
Part No. AS350-5160 (1 req’d.)
This assembly attaches to the static fittings. The double acting quick disconnects operate in the same manner as that on the pitot test hose assembly.    The extension hose to the pneumatic generator is included on this assembly.
Seal Kit - Part No. SK055 (2 req’d.) 
Two sets of spare seals for pitot test adaptors are stowed in the case.
Seal - Part No. 298150-7 (4 req’d.)
Four seals for static test adaptors & static blanking adaptors are stowed in the case.
Manual - Part No. 444-AS350/355
One manual is supplied with each kit.
The equipment is enclosed in a case assembly.
NAV-AIDS公司自1960年代以来,专门为各种飞机提供空速管适配器和皮托管夹具,以及大气数据测试仪附件和套件。NAV-AIDS公司的主要产品包括空速管测试适配器和皮托管夹具,这些产品可以作为独立项目或飞机专用套件提供,包含所需的空速管和皮托管适配器、软管组件、预测试工具、控制台、备用密封件、润滑液、软管悬挂装置等。NAV-AIDS公司通过了ISO 9001:2015认证,确保其产品质量和服务的可靠性‌。
上一篇:AS350 BK117型号与Bell206,Bell212,Bell407,Bell412的组合适配器





版权所有:深圳市银飞电子科技有限公司 粤ICP备15021421号


