

Fluke 15B+ 数字万用表,文章来源于福禄克Fluke15B+经济型数字万用表升级新增亮点,在工作中,您需要一款耐用、可靠且准确的数字万用表。Fluke 15B+数字万用表可满足甚至超出您的需求。Fluke 15B+易于使用,只需要一只手操作,甚至在带手套的时候也可以灵活操作,可满足您的所有需求。福禄克万用表将性能水平、耐用性和便携性集于一身,您可以选择60MHz、100MHz、200MHz或500MHz带宽型号,实时采样率高达5GS/s,分辨率为200ps,每个通道的深存储器可存储10000个样本,从而可以实现高精度捕获和显示波形细节、噪音和其它干扰。福禄克万用表所有型号均达到IP-51等级,可以防尘、防水、防潮和抵抗大范围的温度变化。福禄克万用表可在三相或多回路工业系统上进行有关时序或幅值的测量,或在受测电路上比较和对比多个测试点。诸如TrendPlot、ScopeRecord 和Connect-and-View之类的功能有助于您快速诊断工业机械、自动化和流程控制装置以及电力电子设备,从而尽可能地减少维修成本和停机时间。这些功能使示波表尤其在诊断棘手问题时易于使用,如复杂波形、感应噪音、间歇事件和信号波动或漂移问题。万用表又叫多用表、三用表、复用表,是一种多功能、多量程的测量仪表,一般万用表可测量直流电流、直流电压、交流电压、电阻和音频电平等,有的还可以测交流电流、电容量、电感量及半导体的一些参数。是一种简单实用的测量仪器。如今最主流的常用万用表是都是数字万用表,指针万用表很少用。数字万用表相对来说,属于比较简单的测量仪器。作为一种多用途电子测量仪器,一般包含安培计、电压表、欧姆计等功能。Fluke 15B+ Economy Digital Multimeter, Article from Fluke, On the job, you need a durable, reliable and accurate digital multimeter.The Fluke 15B+ Digital Multimeter meets or exceeds your needs.Easy to use and requiring only one hand to operate, the Fluke 15B+ offers the dexterity to meet all of your needs, even when wearing gloves. Fluke multimeters combine performance levels, durability, and portability in a choice of 60MHz, 100MHz, 200MHz, or 500MHz bandwidth models, with real-time sampling rates up to 5GS/s, 200ps resolution, and 10,000 samples per channel of deep memory for high-precision capture and display of waveform details, noise, and other disturbances. . All Fluke multimeter models are IP-51 rated for protection against dust, water, moisture and wide temperature variations. Fluke multimeters can be used to make timing or amplitude measurements on three-phase or multi-circuit industrial systems, or to compare and contrast multiple test points on the circuit under test. Features such as TrendPlot, ScopeRecord, and Connect-and-View help you quickly diagnose industrial machinery, automation and process control devices, and power electronics to minimise maintenance costs and downtime. These features make oscilloscopes especially easy to use when diagnosing difficult problems such as complex waveforms, induced noise, intermittent events, and signal fluctuations or drifts. Multimeter, also known as multi-meter, tri-meter, multiplex meter, is a multi-functional, multi-range measurement instrument, general multimeter can measure DC current, DC voltage, AC voltage, resistance and audio level, some can also measure AC current, capacitance, inductance and semiconductors of some parameters. It is a simple and practical measuring instrument. Nowadays the most mainstream commonly used multimeter is all digital multimeter, pointer multimeter rarely used. Digital multimeter is a relatively simple measuring instrument. As a kind of multi-purpose electronic measuring instrument, it generally contains the functions of ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter and so on.
• 新增 – CAT III 600 V 安全等级
• 新增 – 显示屏增大了 50 %,且具有明亮的白色背光
• 新增 – 过压指示灯 (17B+)
• 频率和温度测量 (17B+)
• 电压、电阻、通断性、电容
• 交流和直流电流测量的输入端子,最高可测量 10 A 电流
• 二极管测试、数据保持
Highlights: New - CAT III 600 V safety rating, New - 50 % larger display with bright white backlight, New - Overvoltage Indicator (17B+), Frequency and Temperature Measurement (17B+), Input terminals for Voltage, Resistance, On/Off, Capacitance, AC and DC Current Measurement up to 10 A, Diode Test, Data Hold
• 4000字数字显示
• 600 V Cat III 类安全等级
• 50%更大显示屏、带明亮的白色背光
• 电压、电阻、连续性和电容
• 输入端、用于交流和直流电流测量、电流高达 10 a
• 二极管测试、数据保持
• 数字万用表由电池供电、带数字显示屏
Features and Benefits:4000 character digital display, 600 V Cat III safety rating, 50% larger display with bright white backlight, Voltage, resistance, continuity and capacitance, Inputs for AC and DC current measurements, Currents up to 10 a, Diode test, Data hold, Digital multimeter is battery powered with digital display
万用表类型 手持式
显示器类型 数字
功能测量 交流电流,交流电压,电容,直流电流,直流电压,二极管,电阻
绝对最大交流电流测量 10A 交流
绝对最大电阻测量 40MΩ
绝对最大直流电流测量 10A 直流
绝对最大直流电压测量 1000V 直流
绝对最大交流电压测量 1000V 交流
绝对最高温度测量 +400°C
绝对最大电容测量 1mF
最大频率 100kHz
型号(P) -15B+
直流电流测量分辨率 0.1µA 直流
交流电流测量分辨率 0.1µA 交流
直流电压测量分辨率 0.1mV 直流
电阻值测量分辨率 100mΩ
交流电压测量分辨率 0.1mV 交流
温度测量分辨率 0.1°C
电容值测量分辨率 0.01nF
安全类别等级 CAT II, CAT III
使用福禄克经典万用表Fluke 15B+/17B+/18B+前,建议您本身具备一定程度的电学基础知识,能够在安全用电的情况下使用万用表。一般正规厂家生产的万用表都附带使用说明,只要按照说明来操作就可以。万用表可以测量的种类有很多,比如电路中元件的工作电压、电流大小、电容值、电阻值、电路通断等等。被测元件的数值大小可以直接反应出元件当前的工作状态,为整个电路中存在的问题提供一个判断分析的标准。插孔和转换开关的使用:首先要根据测试目的选择插孔或转换开关的位置,由于使用时测量电压,电流和电阻等交替的进行,一定不要忘记换档。切不可用测量电流或测量电阻的档位去商量电压。如果用直流电流或电阻去测量220的交流电压,万用表则会立马烧坏。如何正确读数:万用表使用前应检查指针是否在零七八碎位上,如不指零位,可调正表盖上的机械调节器,调至零位。万用表有多条标尺,一定要认清对应的读数标尺,不能图省事面而把交流和直流标尺任意混用,更不能看错。万用表同一测量项目有多个量程,例如直流电压量程有1V,10V,15V,25V,100V,500V等,量程选择应使指针满刻度的2/3附近。测电阻时,应将指多云指向该档中心电阴值附近,这样才能使测量准确。万用表有多条标尺,一定要认清对应的读数标尺,不能图省事面而把交流和直流标尺任意混用,更不能看错。Instructions for using the Fluke multimeter: Before use, it is recommended that you have a certain degree of basic knowledge of electricity yourself and be able to use the multimeter in a safe manner. Generally, multimeters produced by regular manufacturers are accompanied by instructions for use, as long as you follow the instructions to operate. The multimeter can measure many kinds of things, such as the operating voltage of the components in the circuit, current, capacitance, resistance, circuit breakage and so on. The size of the measured component value can directly reflect the current working state of the component, to provide a judgement and analysis of the problems in the whole circuit. The use of jacks and transfer switches: first of all, according to the purpose of the test to choose the location of the jacks or transfer switches, due to the use of measuring voltage, current and resistance, etc. alternately, be sure not to forget to change gears. Do not use the current measurement or resistance measurement gear to negotiate the voltage. If you use DC current or resistance to measure 220 AC voltage, the multimeter will burn out immediately. How to read correctly: the multimeter should be used before checking whether the pointer is in the zero-seven-eighty-four broken bit, such as not pointing to the zero position, can be adjusted on the cover of the mechanical regulator, adjusted to the zero position. Multimeter has more than one scale, must recognise the corresponding reading scale, can not figure to save face and the AC and DC scale arbitrarily mixed, more can not look at the wrong. Multimeter the same measurement project has more than one range, such as DC voltage range 1V, 10V, 15V, 25V, 100V, 500V, etc., range selection should be made so that the pointer full scale 2/3 near. Measurement of resistance, should point to the finger multi-cloud pointing to the centre of the file near the value of electric Yin, so as to make the measurement accurate. Multimeter has more than one scale, be sure to recognise the corresponding reading scale, can not figure to save face and the AC and DC scale arbitrarily mixed, not to look at the wrong.





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